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Hardware Services

Alfa solutions is al meer dan 25 jaar een betrouwbare IT-partner voor heel wat ondernemingen. Onze toekomstgerichte visie en ons langetermijndenken maakt van ons een soliede metgezel voor uw IT-infrastructuur, databescherming, enz.

Telecom / telefooncentrale

Bellen via het netwerk is de toekomst. Al uw apparaten werken samen om altijd en overal bereikbaar te zijn. En dat met de modernste communicatietools. Daarbovenop is een VoIP telefooncentrale goedkoper en veelzijdiger dan klassieke telefonie!

Een combinatie van VoIP (Voice over IP) met professionele headsets en/of deskphones is een winning match!

  • Beheer efficiënt uw gesprekken
  • Fantastische audiokwaliteit
  • Overal bereikbaar via mobiele apps
  • Onderhoud en ondersteuning van uw telefooncentrale


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Hardware services

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telekomlogo life is for sharing. Best connectivity as a service use our connectivity services to turn your it into a competetive edge get in contact view portfolio use our connectivity services to turn your it into a competetive edge get in contact view portfolio great connectivity means great business secure and highperforming networks form the basis of digitalization be it in terms of international site networking supply chain optimization hybrid clouds or collaboration with customers and partners. Connectivity is essential for doing business and is best achieved through a mix of private public and mobile networks including g. These services need to be managed continuously during operation to ensure availability security and performance. The connectivity services offered by deutsche telekom feature optimum and scalable services that are tailored perfectly to your company s specific connectivity requirements. your company thus benefits from stable and secure connectivity at a compelling cost level De diversiteit van hardware services From standard applications to compl.

Notie over Hardware services

services offered by adoc services adoc services can provide you with the following specialized services hardware onsite delivery warranty and maintenance linux installation or hardware compatibility assessment networking support www site development www site hosting msaccess development home typical configuration quotation promotions services hardware hotnews technology briefing sales conditions references the company .